Thursday 24 June 2010

Athanasius and the Church of our time

( In their struggle against Modernism)

Bishop of Regensburg

The 1600 anniversary of the death of St. Athanasius should not happen, without making mention of it at least in a commentary. St. Athanasius is among those few saints to which history has given the epithet " the Great ".

Not to dwell too much, we will quote here what John Adam Moler, it says in the preface of his book " Athanasius the Great and the Church of his time " , especially in the fight against Arianism (Mainz , 1844) : " By the time I engaged my first contacts with the history of the Church, Athanasius seemed so important , so extraordinary his life, his persecution on account of faith, its revival, its new fall and rise consistently , high Christian dignity and sublimity of Unfortunately all envisioned in its history , which aroused both my sympathy, I felt a deep desire to know more intimately to this great man and study in their own documents. The vague feeling that attracted me to these writings, was not disappointed , of which pouring a rich source of spiritual nourishment . But the more I was comparing what was in Athanasius , which was spoken of in other holy books, the more I hurt that this great Father of the Church had not been known and recognized for such a long time , as he deserved. This made me decide to work on it , to pull the light of day the treasure of faith and Christian wisdom and exhibit housed at the same time its history. "

In reminiscence of the title of this work, we have chosen the title " ATANASIO AND THE CHURCH OF OUR TIME "( In the struggle against modernism .)

May this humble letter could contribute to the updating of the words that St. Basil the Great wrote in the year 371 Athanasius : "In all, the Lord does great, by those who are worthy of trust Him so that this service as exalted worth even for you, and therefore the end of the astray from the people, all are subject to mutual love and to renew the ancient power of the Church. "

Regensburg , on the Feast of St. Athanasius, May 2, 1973 .
RUDOLF GRABER, Bishop of Regensburg

1600 years have passed since the death of one of the "most important figures of the ancient Church History"St. Athanasius ( 295 to 373), Bishop of Alexandria. He was a great defender , principal and tested , the doctrine of Nicaea(1) No less than five times had to go into exile , one of them to Germany in the year 335 , taking refuge in Trier . The situation of the Church was then close to the current and Konrad Kirch is right to say of Athanasius : "Providence sent a man to the world in a few days when a violent storm roared ever louder, shaking the pillars of the Church , to the point that threatened to sink , when the sacred walls seemed to collapse, when they say that power of Darkness and the forces of the Abyss wanted to exterminate the Church on earth . But there was a steady as a rock, like a dam , Athanasius , one jumped into the breach , Atanasio , a divine brandished steel on the East and West , Athanasius".(2)

To what extent this great confessor came to remove those turbulent times of souls, is what we show , to quote just one example , the letter of the great politico-ecclesiastical Görres , "Athanasius"(2 ), published after the arrest of the Archbishop of Cologne, Klemens August von Droste- Vischering Frelherr and caused "the birth of a Catholic town Germany" in 1838. of that letter says Franz Schnabel "The effect of this brochure was awesome. As he spoke a great and experienced journalist, who made himself understood through his words and appropriate examples, and knew how to get him the educated reader , so that through him the village spreads to the desired effect. After only a few weeks, all pamphlets , seven thousand copies, had been exhausted".

The Government banned the book, but had to withdraw because the resistance that had developed was too strong. In the foreword to the Second Edition , Görres sharply criticized those who demanded a "Germanic Council": "Then come good times and old will be deleted. All that for fifty years , have had a wrongheaded idea that has not found the host to add it again, will be now or never". This council should be "ecumenical". The precondition for the admission of Protestants , Görres calls ironically "who had destroyed his criticism, at least one chapter of the Bible , those who at least explained a miracle as something natural and therefore were able to continue on this path , those who were able to find a new myth Christian, Jewish or not explain , those who reduced to mere abstractions and destroyed any foundation of the doctrine of the Church invisible, the supernatural world , the immortality of the soul, of the opposition between good and evil : they should be and expected admitted his meritorious deeds, speak and vote".

More sarcasm still shows on the participants in this fictional Catholic Council. It would be "natural"To eliminate any difficulty "proceed with the removal of the Pope ... tiara encircling the interim , the illustrious president. Then we could go quickly to save the anguish suffered by a Catholic clergy , decreed the immediate abolition of celibacy ... Once these provisions taken by the Holy Synod would soon come to order and establish the doctrine. As the foundation should be designing a new creed , so that all reasonable people might profess . After the progress made recently by science , should not be difficult to carry out such work, the more so because of many sides that there are good preliminary work" . Görres it, is then to formulate a new creed , leaning heavily on contemporary Philosophy of Hegel, ridiculing.

far go beyond the framework of our introduction, if we wanted to elaborate on the contents of theAthanasius" . however, we can not omit mention a few points, leaving it to the reader , the discovery of affinities with our time.

Seduce Görres much commentary on the spirit of falsehood of the century 'It has come to end, to see us surrounded on all sides of lies, like an atmosphere that surrounds us , the breath and exhaled ... This is the case that the most important times we walk in a fictional world , in an artificial world realm of fables, we have created with our limited view , our preconceived opinions , our thoughts and poor mediocre passions we so distanced from reality of things, we can no longer recognize our bad bungling" .

But Gores is not only concerned with the event in Cologne , but very far back in prehistory. He said the elimination of the supreme chief of the empire , the Emperor, should have also dragged the Pope. But to not get this, at least "should break up ... Members of him ... As were the lawyers of the palace, and regional diplomats , who initiated and completed the first book, the canons were metropolitan palace and theologians , who attacked the other business and the project came to take part Catholic priests to assist with advice , Helping with the implementation diligently" .

So here something about "Athanasius"The Great Görres which commemorate the 125th anniversary of his death. In our century, we meet again with the Alexandrian on the novel by COSOMA Flam ( pseudonym of Dr. Josef Pietstch ) disappeared during the Siege of Breslau , published in 1030 "Athanasius comes to the capital or the den of wild beasts"). in this utopian novel , which today can be attributed the label of prophetic The writer describes the capital Teiloba "which was dramatically eliminated God, the spirit, mind and nature, where love has been demoted to the dominant sexuality, and where the dictatorship of the art" . In this city lives a small group of people who had heard about Christ and who call themselves Christians . These Christians Athanasius commitment directed among others, the following words:Want to be children of light , but do not want to leave the paternity of the world. You should believe in penance , but believe in the happiness of the times. You should speak of mercy and grace, but prefer to talk of human progress. You should proclaim God , but prefer to preach the man and humanity . We call on Christ , but better you should call each Pilate ... You are the great undoing, as ye are in the middle, in which you want to be between light and the world. You are masters of the commitment and keep on the world. I tell you better than you to leave the world , leaving the Master whose kingdom is not of this world".

Is not this really prophetic words ? All of these works quoted clearly shows our intention. The energetic and unflappable even today Athanasius must raise their voices against what is happening in the Church.

Soon after the fatal June 30, 1934 , when Hitler 's followers put down the coup apparent Röhm liquidating a number of persona non grata to the regime, such as Klausener , Probst Gerlich and appeared in the League of Lucerne Editorial small but touching book :St. Ambrose and the German Bishops" . With pleading words were called bishops to follow the example of the bishop of Milan, who in 390 , faced the Emperor Theodosius , demanding do penance , because in the arena of Thessaloniki had beheaded as punishment for an act lynch , executed by the mob , two thousand people - and that was the appeal of that letter , the bishops solemnly protest against what happened on June 30, 1934 . Also this example shows , like the people in times of tribulation and confusion is guided by the great men of the past , whose courage and strength to act transcends through the ages.

Before turning now to a pastoral letter Athanasius, we noted in a few lines , the situation of the time of the Holy Church . But let's talk a moment to San Basilio , who in a letter from 371 writes:The widespread heresy of Arius long time , the enemy of truth , came to shameless heights, and like a bitter root, fruit produces harmful and becomes powerful , as the true champions of the doctrine have been expelled by slanders and insults , the various churches , leaving the powers of his administration in the hands of those who knew their hearts be naive" .

In a letter the year 371/372 , intended precisely to Athanasius , are the following important words :The whole Church is in dissolution" . Elevated view this column Nile , gives value to the Bishop of Caesarea "from the depths of despair, to hope for better days" ). Another letter , written in 372 , is addressed to the Bishops of Italy and Gaul, to come to their aid, "before the sink of the whole Church" , because "not only a church or two or three, which are threatened by this serious storm. Almost from the borders of Illyria to Thebes lies the evil of heresy. The fatal seed has been distributed by the infamous first Arius" . The same year speaks to the priests of Tarsus saying "the current time have a strong tendency to subvert the Church" ).

Just 1600 years ago , in the year of the death of Athanasius raised in a letter to the Alexandrians the question "Is it that the Lord has totally abandoned his Church ? Has the last minute and segregation begins here , for the manifestation of man 's sin, the son of perdition, the antagonist , which rises above all that is said God and temple?". These brief quotations , which naturally can be multiplied , suggest as was then the situation of the Church . What the account of Gorman Cappadocian general, Athanasius quoted in detail in a pastoral letter , which for its great style and impact of unspeakable pain of writer, is unique and therefore must be the framework for our discussion .

Also here we briefly outline the historical background . Again an Arian synod , that of Antioch, was deposed in 339 to "immortal"Bishop of Alexandria (Athanasius ) , instituting instead the Cappadocian Gregory.

"The news of the new recall of Athanasius in Alexandria gave the signal for the attack. With tough Filagrio Imperial prefect intervened . On the night of March 18, 340, Athanasius was expelled from the episcopal palace. The people around threatening the churches. Athanasius wanted to avoid the worst and most urgently catechumens baptized then fled , and protected by a platoon of warriors on horseback Gregorio entered the city . Jews , pagans and Arians cheered the mercenary . Among the community of the faithful stood a silent protest and a cry of despair, when Gregory took charge of their churches under atrocious crimes. It was a Friday. The patriarch expelled heard in his hideout, near the city , like the cry of death of victims exceeded Gregorio Pascual Alleluia . communicating messengers came that hundreds had been taken from the churches to jail them, holy virgins were stripped naked in the streets in front of the Sanctuary, flagellating themselves with sticks until he fell dead , and the sky was reflected in the glow of the fires of Christian churches".

He could not hold back any longer and wrote a letter to all bishops, lines full of deep sorrow, but also an urgent invitation to fight. Raped and killed the wife of a Levite , in their grief and despair, the Levite dismembered the body and sent the pieces to all the tribes of Israel, to not doubt the crime and stood up to avenge him, and all the tribes were moving , starting a holy war. So begins Athanasius, and continues: "The misfortune of Levita is nothing compared with what is now the Church has tried to", And they love the Savior plot "desdeñéis not these outrages , do not let the famous Church of Alexandria to be trampled by the heretics to be destroyed soon no faith and laws of the Church" (23).

This Introduction, which is based on an atrocious event recorded in the Book of JudgesWe literally make it ours and we will try to explain, in the spirit of Athanasius , which occurs among the twelve tribes of Israel again , so that they rise up and engage in a determined fight against the threat of "dissolution of the Church" spoken of by Basilio , or against "self-destruction" thereof, as Paul VI has called

St. Athanasius A CIRCULAR

" In the assembly of his brethren bishops, dear Lord, send their greetings Athanasius (joy) in the Lord.

What we have suffered is terrible and almost unbearable, can not be explained properly. But to the horror of the events to be known more quickly , I felt good to remember a passage of Scripture.

A Levite, whose wife had been seriously violated , "was a Hebrew of the tribe of Judah , knew the horror of this crime. Upset by the outrage inflicted spoken , dismembered , as referred to in Sacred Scripture from the Book of Judges (John, 19) - the dead woman's body and sent pieces of the Tribes of Israel. Not only him but all he had to suffer with this serious crime. If they shared their pain and suffering , all one had to come too . But if they did not know anything, the shame should fall on them, as if they were criminals. Couriers Event realized . But those who saw and heard, said :

Nothing like this ever since the days when the Israelites left Egypt. All the tribes of Israel were mobilized and , as if they had suffered in his own body, united against the criminals. They were defeated in war and hated by all sides because the meeting did not attend the tribe, but only watched with indignation the crime.

Brethren, know that story and what Scripture would point out to him. I do not want to dwell on it, since I write aware, and I will endeavor to attract your attention on what has happened now, which is more frightening than then. For this I remembered this story , so you can compare the current events and actions with those described and you will recognize that exceeds current encrueldad to then. And I hope that in you grow more indignation against the criminals , who then was. For the hardness of the persecution against us , is even higher.

Nimia is the misfortune of Levita compared to what is now being done with the Church. Nothing worse has ever happened in the world, no one has ever suffered great misfortune . At that time he was outraged one woman , one Levite the persecuted. Today is the whole Church, the injustices suffered by all the priests who suffers insults and, what is even worse, religion is persecuted by the teofobia and impiety. Then each tribe was startled to see a piece of one wife . Today is torn to pieces the whole Church. The messengers that I sent to you and others to convey the news , suffer the insolence and injustice. Conmoveos , I implore you not only as if we ourselves that we had suffered injustice, but also yourself. Each one must help , as if he himself suffered . If not , soon will collapse the ecclesiastical order and the faith of the Church. Both, threaten, if God did not restored quickly and with your help , the order intended , if the suffering does not atone for the Church.

Not now, when the Church has received the order and the basics. Of the Patriarchs were received well and safely . and there is now the beginning of the faith, but the Lord came to us through his disciples. Do not miss , which from the beginning until today has been preserved in the Church , not what we have been misappropriated trust. Brothers, as stewards of the mysteries of God, let will shake , and you see as all there is stolen by others. The messengers of this letter will tell you more things to my reseñároslo I can only in a few lines, so that never really reconozcáis anything like this has happened against the Church , from the day the Lord ascended into heaven , he commissioned his disciples with the words: "Go and teach all nations, and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost" .


WHAT HAPPENED more than 1600 years ago , repeated today, only double or triple the difference: Alexandria is now the universal Church which is shaken to its foundations and then what happened with physical violence and cruelty , has moved to other planes. The exile has been replaced by silence, and murder has been for the prestige. The Intruder Gregory, who then sat in the see of Alexandria, Paul VI has been characterized as e1 "Satan has entered the temple of Goddess through a slit" (27).

When we give him responsible for the confusion within the Church does not mean they are innocent who are their tools , or even those who think they can deny it, but we only want to show clearly all biblical truth , stating that there a devil who is the father of lies (John 8, 44) and the murderer from the beginning (same reference ) and which to tempt Jesus could say of himself, he was given all power and glory on all the kingdoms of the earth and that gives to whom He will (Luke 5, 5 et seq. ). At that time was recognized where it came from heresy and Basilio wrote in 373: "When the devil saw that despite the persecution, which started from the pagans, the Church would grow and flourish even more , he changed his plan and never fought openly but secretly prepared persecution , hiding their treason under the name you carry , So we suffer the same as at the time our parents, but not by Christ , as also the persecutors of Christians named"). Are not these words correspond exactly to our current situation? The bloody persecutions seem to have passed , now comes in a more subtle and elegant and more devilish . There really is a demonic plan), Which Pope Leo XIII said , when he says:In these dark monstrous efforts, it appears evident , in a sense, the indestructible hatred and vengeance of Satan against Jesus Christ".

We view this plan in its infancy, and thus we play and the question of causes of the current internal crisis in the church.

Pope St. Pius X in his encyclical on Modernism , has designated this as "the collector of all heresies" ("conlectum haereseon omnium") ( 31). And indeed, if we look to the Church of antiquity , we see the heretical doctrines then emerge with new clothes . Arius , who denied the consubstantiality , the unity of the Logos with the Father, still lives . Lives there Where you want to escape the unequivocal belief that Christ is the true God, evading designations to more diverse, humane and perhaps seemingly more beautiful. But the central dogma of our faith is being denied . Pelagius, who denied original sin and exaggerates so the force of human will, to the extent that Grace plays no role , is still living . It is curious, how are you are gaining new heretical doctrines virulence . What is the cause? is the flight to the mystery, autocracy is the man and his ratio , which clarifies the Arian solution of the mystery of Christ, and that makes it understandable is the proud boast of man's will , which can be everything you want and not get carried away from the tutelage of the supernatural forces of Grace. All this is interspersed with a kind of Gnosis , which is integrated into the world to the primitive Christianity in one of his addresses(32)That is, that even then wanted to take out a aggiornamiento .

But leave that aside . Let's jump around a millennium and we will be in clearing the project luciferase, the greatest spiritual revolution of our history, in Humanism and the Renaissance . Well this is where secular process starts , which then is determining the direction of history and meaning of life. Here's where it produces "Copernican shift" in reverse. While until then the man and history is oriented toward God, man is now in the center, which four centuries later , add the matter, which come to dominate . Man since that time is the measure of all things. Are we here adduce examples of this ? The "God is dead theology" -no matter how it is interpreted , is the latest novelty. And this trend is not for or against the most Holy. God has been pushed aside and even in the prayers is the man who dominates.


The Enlightenment is another step in the implementation of the diabolical plan. In a tribute to Hans Lilje , on the occasion of his 65th anniversary (20 August 1964) , "Dismissal of Christianity , 17 responses from advertisers and provocative contemporary theologians" There is a contribution of Hans Jürgen Baden , entitled "The second illustration" ). The author believes the Gospel , as some of our contemporaries, we have now entered a second stage of the Enlightenment and who returned the typical symptoms of Enlightenment 250 years ago. This is also well known. But it is worth rereading in the "Athanasius" Caps , as he described the clergy in the last phase of the Enlightenment , shortly before the French Revolution and wonder whether , apart from style -which denigrated Görres then, not now find everywhere.

"Well , you can not deny or conceal the fact that many members of the clergy had been delivered in the penultimate time, ie before the latest changes occur , both heavily in many of its noblest institutions, and personally in many of its individuals and an ever growing , a progressive laxity , which consequently led even at that time , to enter and saliesen tired of cathedrals, built by the enthusiasm and faith of their elders, and images , craftsman hand that decorated the inside of them, they did not see nothing but junk , with little suspect or have some knowledge of the rich treasure, which had to be custodians and transmitters. Along with the generation that was going and, with the seriousness of other times, was rigorously conserve the last vestiges of ancient and living traditions, there arose a new gene ration , ignoring it , considered it seriously as dark and monkish superstition severe self-mortification as useless as saying both outdated and looking for points of agreement with the ideas of the time. As a shining example appeared before his eyes Protestantism , which was enough to rejuvenate the old-fashioned approach rapidly changing . It was decided to set to work, which however, should be done in principle with all moderation and respect and without prejudice to the basics. First proceeded to dogmatics , which contained many things whose understanding of the increasing mediocrity of the time, was dying slowly , now declared as completely incomprehensible, repudiating as such, the scope of the only thing worth knowing. The mystery , which in its quiet luminosity required for assessment and cognisción a look prophetic spirituality and in his depth of spiritual depth , comprehensive enough to capture it , was the only astonished eyes , and its depth was filled by the wisdom of the world: therefore, their spiritual light was fading with the brightness of the physical and , as it fully subtracted forces capture the era, and neither wanted to keep in its external signs. The ancient doctrine had become his inner fulfillment in many accounting principles advanced defenses against the world , but now , since the life of the core were also cooling the extremities, also abandoned them, remove and discard as useless and superfluous . Thus, once the high strength cast from the center and left field advanced the doctrine was relegated to the daily needs and field of material life , being totally secularized in its simplicity constraint. With regard to discipline is proceeded by the same means . Again had completely lost the meaning and significance of asceticism , and the conviction of their inevitable need for the priest had disappeared completely. Therefore, the ancient discipline was considered an unpardonable hardness against nature , which is why , as everything is exaggerated , I could not ever lead the goal but rather the rebellion and battered out of his way . Thus, everywhere felt pressured to contribute to the liberation of the oppressed, the taut reins of chastity and morality were loosening everywhere and in some , even partially sprung mind , while it was removing and replacing the external service, the old and wide toga by chlamydes ( clergis ) more comfortable. All this was happening very soon, with individual practice on the institutions , the rules of the religious orders and traditions of all levels are softening were everywhere and everywhere was imposing its lax enforcement against the strict , even Seminars , where the seminarians were educated under such principles" (35).


At the time of the Enlightenment or of the Enlightenment led to a series of partnerships anti-ecclesiastical , of which we will mention only two , Masonry , founded in London in 1717 and the Order of the Ilumniados , founded on 1 May 1776 by Professor Ecclesiastical Law at Ingolstadt Adam Weishaupt. This touched the problem of secret societies or in Esoteric and its influence on the Church and society. Again and again he has read that the French Revolution was due to Masonry . However, a recent book that presents the formula :Masonry does not make revolutions, prepares and then continues". In any event, within these secret societies that were planted later called Synarchy , ie a single World State uniform government , projected as anti- Church. But to this we will refer later. In any event, the French Revolution was an important link in this evil plan . Is no exaggeration if we say that many Catholic areas appropriated today of its main ideas : freedom , for the protest against the hierarchical structures in the Church , equal to democratize the system of advisers, and brotherhood, humanitarianism horizontal , Where the Vertical, God and all the transcendence of itself, is absolutely excluded. To what extent is related to the Second Vatican Council with the French Revolution , they show some statements made at the XI Congress of the Italian Communist Party in 1964, to which we refer later .

But with it, and we are immediately to the causes of the crisis within the Church , in the second half of the twentieth century . We must note here that the great revolutions , and we find ourselves in one of them, do not occur spontaneously, have their precursors, which are usually secret , their prophets who are spreading around the seeds of revolt and finally , are the leaders and implementers . Les precedes an underground phase , is followed by another , the incubation "Until the eruption occurs . This we have answered an objection that we could do, when we come to discuss some esoteric societies and their leaders of the nineteenth century . It is true that many of these names are not even on the EnciopediasBut this does not change anything in the fact that the poisoned seed has continued to act , surfacing for the first time with the modernism of the early twentieth century , that immediately the Holy Pope Pius X jugular vein with strong hand .

Pierre Virion A corresponds to all the credit , have drawn attention in his writings on these secret societies . Although only read a fraction of what the texts collected Virion more or less unknown secrets of great men , one is surprised and scared that at the end of the last century and all these ideas might appear that today, at the height of post-conciliar , submitted to the Church to a bursting test . However , it should be noted that all of these ideas are aimed Destructive secretly towards a single goal , namely to create the Anti- Church or a "new" Church , mining and merging the ancient Church, and least by an attack from outside , as they say in politics , by the "march through the institutions" . We have said before the French term for all these trends, which is Synarchy . The issue here is the sum of all the secret powers of "Orders" and schools that have joined together to form an invisible Universal Government . From the point Politically, the Synarchy aims at the integration of all social and financial powers that this government should lead and promote universal , of course, under a socialist direction . Catholicism , like all other religions, should be absorbed by a universal syncretism . not believe she would be deleted , but only would be integrated and sighting it is already clear from the principle of collegiality . This is where the consequences are seen as subversive of the coinage of new words.

Ultimately, Synarchy fully realized , would mean the Counter- Church . Again we must answer the objection that such relations must be externally equal word and , logically, should go to seek further. But hear what Alphons Rosenberg says this: "... all these (and other ) groups have , though always invisibly, an influence on the progress of the reform of the Church. His ideas , not to be cited properly, are introduced through the development and careful screening of theologians and pastors (! ), in the spiritual bloodstream of the Church ..." These words should be considered as one of the strongest and most clear evidence of targeted methods of infiltration by the enemy , taking from them the necessary consequences. Is it taken out ?

Synarchy draft was developed in the years 1880-1890. Without going into detail about the various groupings , for example, the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose Cross, the Martins and symbols , We say only that the Jesuit Riquet and Alec Mellor, Who advocate the approach of the Church to the Masons, have close relations with these groups. The founder of the first, the ex -priest Guaita Stanislas (1861-1897) have, in fact, a hymn to Satan .

Special mention should also be given the ex - canónigo Roca (1830-1893) , whose name does not appear in the Dictionary of Theology or of the Church , nor in that of Freemasonry. He was born in Perpignan ( France), where he attended the School of the Carmelites , in 1858 and was ordained priest appointed honorary canon in 1869 . He travels to Spain , the United States of America, Switzerland and Italy. Well versed in the Occult Sciences deployed an extensive propaganda , especially among youth, so he had conflicts with Rome. Despite having been excommunicated , continued in its activities preaching revolution , prophesying the arrival of "divine Synarchy"Under a pope to become a Christian scientist. Talk of a new lighted church , which is influenced by the socialism of Jesus and his apostles. Roca is in the opinion of Virion "an apostate of the worst kind"And one almost feels tempted to consider what it says and predicts , as a prophetic .

To understand to some extent their language, should be known that Catholics preserves the most common concepts , giving them yet another sense (same as today) . Without Ambassy , stated that "my Christ is not the Christ of the Vatican' . Or, when speaking of God refers to man , which happens to take the place of God. The word reform means to him Revolution "None of reforms, but ... I dare not express it well , because the word itself is so suspicious ... a Revolution ". "The new social order is founded ( for) outside of Rome , in spite of and against the Roma ". Then there is a claim that , as someone said , we are impressed and horrified to the core :The new church, which may no longer able to keep more his scholastic doctrine , nor the manner of the early Church , will , however , Rome 's consecration and canonical jurisdiction" . A few years ago yet we could have imagined it , but today ...?

Below are some sentences from the works of rock, which illustrate our current crisis. With regard to the Liturgy of the future believes "divine worship, as prescribed by the ceremonial , ritual, and the provisions of the Roman Church will suffer soon , during an Ecumenical Council (! ), a change that will return the dignified simplicity of the apostolic Golden Age , in accordance with the conscience and modern civilization " Rock and continues: "We are starting a sacrifice that represents a solemn atonement ... The Papacy will fall; die under the knife that will shape the holy Fathers of the Second Vatican Council. pontifical Caesar is to sacrifice the consecrated Host." (48)

We are surprised that even then was talk of a Council. The Rose Cross , Dr. Rudolf Steiner , founder of the Anthroposophical Society , said in 1910 :We need a council and a Pope who convened. The enthusiasm with which the world welcomed the council , was not encouraged , perhaps, from there? The key concept is the word "new" . Roca predicts a "new religion"A"new dogma"A"new ritual"A"new priesthood. The new priests are called "progressive" , speaks of "suppression"Of the cassock and the marriage of priests) and confesses: "El Salvador religious, social and political rule over humanity through impersonal institutions ( Institutions impersonelles )" . In connection with this word, he rightly pointed out how it appears everywhere in the collegiality , in the innumerable "conferences, commissions , committees and meetings". We're almost tempted to say that the person was away and dominates the anonymity . This clearly expresses the satanic plan . It does not tell the person who receives the maximum consecration by the Trinity and the God- Man and which is now choked with the community in various forms .

Here a remark should be inserted . It would be wrong to believe that it is only thoughts and ideas of an individual as a rock , no, all this is confirmed in a number of people of like mind in innumerable writings , at least then, were accessible to the international public opinion. And so the question must be asked : Why the Church became aware of it? Pope Pius X in indisputably did. But that was it. In the book the priest Melingo (better known under his pseudonym Dr. High) "L' évangile de l' Esprit Saint, Jean traduit et comment(1907 ) develops the entire program under which it is "working"Currently :

1. The appeal to the Esoteric .
2. The rebellion against the structures of the Church.
3. The replacement of the Roman Pontificate by another "multi -confessional"Able to adapt to a multipurpose ecumenism today , and we established in the common celebration of priests and pastors .
4. The glorification of Christ for a new humanity.
5. The investment of all the truths taught by Christ " .

More clearly and can not speak . However , Dr. Alta continued as a priest in the Church and he said "Instead of leaving the Church , as did Luther , remained within the temple to reform" .

But to return to Rock. Of all the appointments, which could be expanded to form a book , we see no difficulty tactic: strip the church of their supernatural character , amalgamated with the world, make a community ecumenical religious coexistence , so as to prepare and Religious Unitarian Universal Unitarian Universal State . The predicate of the Church "Holy Catholic Church"Has disappeared from the vocabulary of the dialogue, as expressed by a speaker gnostic "again offer an opportunity for the Church to coordinate with other religions. In this lies, of course , the "depretrise") of the Church , the secularization in a Church and as temporarily lay - Rock- again according to the cooperation of celibate and married priests .

Finally, the desacerdotización of the Church has already started so distressing. No need to count all those priests who are already following the footsteps of Rock (and Loisy ). Virion raises the question: "How many priests are the ones that ostensibly have remained in the Church, but only for the simple reason that this can be planted in secret revolt virus ?. Roca, which always tends to exaggerate , answer "thousand. But Saint- Yves, more restrained , said: "I know many priests and even saints, who ( ignorance) walk the path of Christianity syncretistic" .

Another modern idea , which was represented everywhere in these circles ocultísticos then , was a kind of mysticism of Democracy. Even then, Christ is preached a social, and Rock writes:I think this social redemption of the people in the new society has been fulfilled by the enthronement of democracy. And more clearly states the July 26, 1891 :Christianity is pure socialism ( Le christianisme pur , c'est will socialisme )" . Therefore pending "Vatican Converso" canonical statement that Urbi et Orbi "today's civilization is the legitimate daughter of the Holy Gospel of social redemption" (55).

This is supplemented in the important work of Yves Marsaudon Mason "oecuménisme l' vu par un Franc- Macon tradition" (56)Which in terms dithyrambic dedicated to John XXIII and should serve as a bridge , as already mentioned, between Church and Masonry . It should be noted that around 1908, amending the strategy (57): "The goal is no longer the destruction of the Church, but seeks to use , penetrating her" . With John XXIII is believed to have begun "We wholeheartedly wish the successful outcome of the Revolution Juan XXIII" (58).

"One day the Church will disappear dogmatic or adapt and adapt, must return to its origins" (59). This is already seen today in the priests 'The current priest is not that be special ... On the contrary, aims at progressively intermingle with modern society". In the process of merging plays an important role of Freemasonry "We, the traditional masons , allow us to illustrate and transpose the words of a famous statesman and adapt to circumstances: Catholic, Orthodox , Protestants , Muslims , Hindus , Buddhists, believers and thinkers, free thinkers , they are names to us. Our name is a Freemason".

At this point it is clear, how close is the authentic and the fake. What is more worthy for us to aspire to ecumenism, in the words of Christ "that all may be one" (John 17, 21). But subtle is the limit with syncretistic ecumenism , which downplays the truth and finally leads to "super -Church" The great objective of secret societies .

However, we have come far . We need to scrutinize other phenomenon of our time , relaxation and sexual depravity . In a secret instruction of 1819 , he breathes real demonic spirit , is the order :Flatter all the passions, the worst as well as the best ..." (62).

In a letter dated August 9, 1839 we read the words : "We must identify the defects , so that the service will increase in the proportions of patriotism and hatred of the Church , we must generalize . Catholicism is not afraid of sharp knife rather than the monarchy , but these two bastions of social order, may collapse under the corruption, we in any case , never let us corrupt. We do not believe , therefore, martyrs, but the service more popular among the masses. All that they aspire to his senses , should find satisfaction ... Cread hearts full of lust and you have no more Catholic . This is corruption at large, we have undertaken, the corruption of the people through the Clergy, the Clergy for us, the corruption that leads us to dig the grave for the Church" (63).

At that time expressing an idea that has only recently become fully realized. To achieve all the objectives, which has been said , must "create a new generation , worthy of the kingdom which we dream. Leave aside the old and middle age , but go to the youth and, if possible , to children. Once your reputation sitting in schools, colleges, universities and seminars and if you have achieved the confidence of teachers and students , then make sure those who are engaged mainly clerical service , happy to attend your meetings. This good reputation you seek entry and access to the views teachers, within the younger clergy, as in the monasteries. Within a few years, this young clergy will be responsible for all functions , with the force of circumstances ... Thus preconizáis a revolution in tiara and in the basement ... suffice it to stir up revolution just a little , to turn the fire on all four sides of the World".

Pius X and Modernism

Looking back to the nineteenth century , we see that the Church as a whole , not on his guard against such events. The world was too busy with the conquests of science and technology . Even today, after two world wars, are dreaming of an eternal evolution and an earthly paradise . What about the Church? It was the house that had been built with strong towers and bastions. The rock of Peter had been so well established and protected by all sides in the First Vatican Council , which no storm could move , so he thought. Only a deeply realized the problem was Pope Pius X , whom we will now take up more detail about your fight against Modernism. Paul VI in his encyclical of his inauguration . "Ecclesiam suam", declares that currently we are facing a resurrection of the modernist errors(66).

What makes it difficult to judge on Modernism is this: that right and wrong, healthy trends and revolutionary reform and joints were so destructive , the same as today. In this regard, it is instructive to an article of Baron Georg von Hertling, in the magazineHochland", Entitled "Roman reformers Thoughts" in its introduction , states: "Among the papers left by the Bishop Ketteler of Mainz, was found, according to his biographer Fr Pfülf , S. I. A schematic diagram of proposed reform. Ketteler wanted to submit to the opinion of the German Bishops and then lead to implementation with the assistance of Rome. The reform should cover the entire hierarchy , starting with the election of the Pope and the Roman use , reaching up to deans and pastors".

In the further development of the article, the author reviews how they should justify the reason criticism and reform, and what should be taken into account :destructive criticism , loss of confidence in the goodwill of the leading personalities , the negative view of existing institutions , the excess of zeal to eliminate real or imaginary evils , are, in the ecclesiastical field , its consequences , much more dangerous at the state level . Course is not for the vision of things , because it can distinguish between ideal and reality, between what should be right and what is the weakness of man always has it. Do not despair of the truth of the Christian doctrine of grace, because occasionally makes the experience that is disfigured by the superstitious exercise , that is the disgrace by unworthy priests and an unhealthy sense of profit abused . He knows how we retain strong ties to the tradition of our ancestors , knows how difficult it is to eliminate what has made history, after the state of fact and the custom seems to have granted a right to exist , a right which must deny deep trial . But not everyone has this view".

"Even in wide circles at all devoid of it . It added that the life of the modern world is moving many times by twists and turns that are unrelated to the supernatural Christian faith , when they are directly hostile. Por ello se sienten confundidos y sin resistencia, los mediocres, los vacilantes y los pusilánimes, cuando se levanta una grave acusación contra personalidades eclesiásticas, o una despreocupada crítica dentro de la Iglesia contra una u otra de las instituciones existentes o permitidas. The last and weak bond that unites them closely even the Church , breaks down. Believe they must severely condemn the entire Catholic piety , when they realize they are ridiculed some of the trivial inventions of some pious fool. What do I say all this? Because I want to make clear the idea that only can be presented as a critic and reformer of the Church to the public , who have the will and the power to change all that recognition as the best , or at least that was in a position to present their evidence and their projects to the competent authorities . Otherwise, despite its best intentions, just shocked and happy the weak enemies".

Unfortunately, there was little or no attention to these words of warning. In the novel "Il Santo" Fogazzaro Antonio (1842 - 1911) , included in the index , find the following passages , connected to what we said in the Secret Societies "WeSaid Don Paolo, a group of Catholics , both within and outside Italy , priests and lay people who aspire to a reform of the Church. We would like to see this reform done , without dispute , only by legitimate authority . We want to reform religious education , the worship, the discipline of clergy , including the reform of higher bodies . To achieve this, we must create public opinion to allow the legitimate authority to act accordingly , even if it is not made until within twenty , thirty or fifty years (!). But those who thus think , we live in reality separated from each other . We know nothing of each other , except some few who publish articles or books. It is likely that in the Catholic world there is a large number of religious people and educated people, who think like us. I think it would be useful for the propaganda of our ideas, at least we came to know . Tonight we are gathered here only a few to a preliminary agreement ...". "Raising his voice and speaking little slower, his eyes fixed on the Abbe Marinier , added that it considered appropriate , do not let transcend, for now , nothing about what was agreed upon at the meeting, and begged everyone to consider parole committed honor, to keep secret. Then returned to develop their ideas and the objective of this meeting in more detail than I did at dinner".

"It is very probable that we all agree that the Catholic Church can be compared to an ancient temple , which originally had a noble austerity , simplicity and great religious spirituality, and has been damaged and overloaded with ornaments and stucco of all kinds, for the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Those who wish us ill , you may realize that only speak aloud a dead language , which modern languages are spoken only in a low and the sun enters it through colored windows . But I can not believe that we all agree on the quality and quantity of the means to remedy it. Therefore considered better than prior to founding the Catholic freemasonry , we could agree on how to carry out reforms. I want to go even further. I think that even if complete agreement in the way of thinking, I would advise that with a link ligasen sensitive. My view is very sensitive nature . You hope that they can swim well under water like fish cautious, but do not think that the view sublime acute Pescador or any of their representatives, can be discovered and a well-aimed harpoon , fish. Never advise the finest , tasty and sought after fish, linking to each other. You understand what happens when they catch one and bring to the surface. And they know very well that the great Fisherman of Galilee threw the little fish to your pond, but the large kitchen Rome Fisher" (.

Intended, then a secret union between all of the same opinion, a Catholic Masons , of which almost prophetically stated : "The reforms already carried out one day , ideas are stronger than men and make their way". They have done exactly fifty years. But it has done everything else: the great Fisher of Rome has taken the fish to the surface. It was Pope Pius X who in his Encyclical "Pascendi"From September 8, 1907 He condemned Modernism. It is very regrettable that this encyclical is not reissued , so that every reader could be convinced immediately that everything today is designated as a new advance, as there had been then , that is, that neither is new, nor is progressive.

Let us now briefly outline the Encyclical. Pope laments that modernist errors "have arisen within the church, even among the clergy. These enemies of the Church call themselves "Church reformers" , reducing the divine person of the Redeemer, blasphemous boldness , a mere human being. Modernists are therefore "worse than all the other enemies of the Church"Because"bear his hand on the roots, faith and deepest fibers of the latter. They are highly skilled and ready". "Alternative mind playing the role of rationalist and Catholic, with such skill that easily attract the unwary to their mistakes" . Do not recognize any authority and "not want to admit limitations. The same Catholic faith is in danger. To remain silent any longer would sin. We speak, we must unmask whole Church to".

After this strong introduction, the pope discussed one by one errors. Since, according to the modernists , one can not know God from the visible things , eliminating the so-called motivates credibilitatis " Today we talk not just of them. With respect to history, it SHOULD be explained as "if God really had not intervened" . Therefore we must also remove from the story of Jesus Christ "anything that resembles something divine". "There are Catholics , there are even priests, who openly admit it and want this madness to reform the Church , can suppress not better, indeed, all the supernatural order. With respect to the dogmas, "are only symbols, signs , insufficient content" in no way contain the absolute truth. The dogmas are subject to "changes" and are thus "variables necessarily , passengers", "For life must be accommodated to the faith and the believer by an equal, and remain".

Pope ends this chapter with the sharp words: "These blind poodles have been reversed, with superb presumption of wisdom, the eternal and true concepts of truth and religion , have founded a new system and in the wild and uncontrolled hunting for something new, forget where they seek the truth only has its safe seat; despise the holy apostolic traditions , turning to other doctrines presumed , harmful and uncertain and do not have the approval of the Church and in their blindness , they believe they can defend and maintain the truth."

We are very surprised that even then had not said that "all religions were true" The same applies to the question asked whether "Christ had indeed worked wonders , if you really had foreseen the future, if there really was resurrected and ascended to heaven' . So today, then God is transposed to the man "God is immanent in man. As before dogmas, the sacraments are simply too "symbols or signs" . At this point , the pope inserted a comment, which also could have been written today: "As an example , to demonstrate how they work , they go to certain slogans that repeat regularly , for " appeal "to the propaganda, harder and have the enormous power of attraction of the big ideas that excite".

The parallels with our times is also, especially in modernist judgments about the Church "In ancient times it was common error that the authority came from outside the Church , that is, immediately from God , and by the authority came from outside the Church, that is, immediately from God , and therefore rightly regarded autocratic . But this belief has now grown old. The authority , as well as the church springs from the religious consciousness , which therefore is subject to, and if he despises the subject work tyrannically. We now live in an age where the concept of freedom (sensus libertatis ) has reached its greatest height. In political life it has established the popular regime ( populare regime) ... why is the ecclesiastical authority the duty to use democratic forms ( demo inesta auctoritate officium Ecclesia craticis utendi Formis ) , the more so if not using destruction threatens him . Loco would , indeed , who think that the concept of freedom that flourishes today could ever be a setback. Constricted and cornered by violence, will be extended with more force, broken along Church and Religion. Here we have elements for the current theology of revolution . It is not surprising that already at this time we wanted to confront the Church triumphalism . Thus , it is required that the Church ceases to "foreign luxury eyes hurt too , because the task of the Church only to the spiritual concerns. To summarize , says Pope St. Pius X: "This general principle applies : a religion that lives, everything is understandable , so the Church must change. The quintessence , as it were , of his teaching , results therefore in evolution. The dogma, the Church, the religion, the books that we honor as saints, and even faith must, if they do not want to take them for dead, obeying the laws of evolution" . That development is born "the antagonism of two forces, one that promotes the advancement and the other is conservative and slow down. The very strong conservative element in the Church 's tradition. Your representative is the religious authority and that too because of the law, because it is the authority with which it is to protect the tradition of effective , because the authority is apart of life changing and does not affect you , or just to you, everything that drives progress. On the contrary, seeks progress and does it, the force that adapts to the deepest needs of the conscience of the laity , especially those who, as they say , is in the whirlwind of life. Once again it looks like custom made for our time the next inspection of the Pope: the modernists are of the opinion that "place is to stay within the Church , in order to change there little by little general awareness"That is , investment subversive functions has today.

In the chapter we read Scripture verbatim :For the modernists differentiation between the Christ of history and the Christ of faith is something completely current".

also add something about the reform tendencies of the modernists that the Pope indicated as documentation in order . It states: "What has been said more than enough to show the fervent search and unlimited updates from these people, search extends to almost all that is patrimony of the Catholic, philosophy has to be renewed , especially in ecclesiastical seminaries ; scholastic philosophy should be filed in the history of philosophy, along with other outdated systems and instead of it young people should receive the teaching of modern philosophy alone , according to our time (now existentialism) . The dogmas and their development must be reconciled with science and history . With regard to catechesis, catechetical literature must deal only with the dogmas which have been revamped and which fall within the scope of understanding of people ... The church administration ( regime) should be reformed in all circumstances, especially in the disciplinary and dogmatic. internally and externally should be adapted to the modern consciousness that bend over to democracy : why the lower clergy , like the secular world must participate in the administration, and centralized authority beyond all measures should be decentralized. Roman Congregations for the various activities of the Church , particularly the Inquisition and the Index should also be modified. In morality there will be an adaptation to the fundamental principle of American , which puts the active virtues rather than the passive and you want your exercise is recommended by others. The clergy are asked humility and poverty, and prevailed in another era also has to adhere to fact and intellectually modernist ideas. There are some who , as zealous disciples of Protestants want the celibacy of priests is abolished. There is nothing in the Church that, according to these principles is not to be reformed. The Pope then examines how it has come to modernism, and in this regard says: "There are three main things that are contrary to their attempts : the scholastic method of philosophy , authority and tradition of the Fathers , the Church's teaching . Against these direct their violent attacks , hence generally ridicule and despise the scholastic philosophy and theology , and I do this out of ignorance or fear, or, what is most true, for two reasons it is averred that the desire for new always goes with the hatred of the scholastic method and there is no clearer indication of a lean start to the doctrine of modernism starting to hate the scholastic method".

Here is also a point that is well known to us , if we think the mass media "At the same time raise without any restraint, with perpetual praise, to all those that they agree , the books of these , full of news everywhere , recíbenlos with great admiration and applause , as an old destroyed more boldly , refuses the tradition and the Church's teaching , is celebrated by both wiser. Finally , something that makes good horror at all , if the Church condemns any of them , not only come together for public praise and copious , but come to tax almost the veneration of martyr for the truth. With all this din of praise as well as insults , shocked and troubled the minds of young , first not to be feared by the ignorant , the other to get through wise and stimulated internally by curiosity and pride, occurs with frequently supplied to modernism and was performing at the discretion".

"But this already belongs to the devices with modernists who sell their wares. Well , what does not machined to increase the number of his followers ? In the sacred seminaries and universities of science go on the hunt for the profesorías , which gradually become chairs of pestilence. Although it is covertly instill their doctrine preached in the pulpits of the churches , the issue more openly in the Congress , and introduce and sublime in social institutions ... In a word, in action, in the words, in print, leaving nothing for trying , that seem so possessed by frenzy".

If you study in this way the whole encyclical , called attention to the vision , which might be described as prophetic of the Holy Pope , that in considering his age predicted ours. To think that this encyclical should strike a stronger blow to the modernism of our times that the turn of the century , it was not as deep or was so widespread among the faithful, and what St. Pius X said as conclusive on the trial Modernism is made only today :Protestantism was the first step , then followed modernism : the end is atheism".

Today we live with the theology of "God is dead. " Yes, Paul VI is right now check a resurrection of the modernist errors . John XXIII became clear when in 1907 [ in his youth ] said of modernism "Woe to the day they set their teachings" (75).

But Fogazzaro was right was enough figure of fifty years for the ideas expressed by a small group, at the time, have penetrated everywhere to lead to this crisis in the Church , which leaves far behind the time of the Reformation .

Still hear the echoes of the encyclical in the pastoral letter of the German bishops meeting in Cologne on December 10, 1907 , in which he says among other things: "For these symptoms, or the like , which sometimes arise between us, and such bias to modernism , we must also attribute this growing need, without calling, without trial and without the knowledge straight enough, to criticize and reform , which is the disease our time and takes no account of any authority , which wants to transform the institutions under the truest "modern consciousness"And enter in the organization and administration of the Church a democratic parliamentary system and are incompatible with it, and that does not hesitate , in newspapers and magazines , even those who are hostile to the Church, much to the delight of their opponents, to express their irrational and unjust trials on upper and ecclesiastical institutions" (76)

Does that not fit perfectly with our time? In the Encyclical Pascendi The syllabus is closely linked Lamentabili of July 3, 1907 . The report rejected 65 proposals or modernist lessons . Just point out some , highlighted by today:

* Proposition 1 states : "The interpretation of the sacred books by the Church is certainly not negligible, but opinion is subject to more refined and the correction of the exegetes . "
* Proposition 30: "In all the evangelical witness the name ' Son of God " is equal to the name of Christ only and in no way means that Christ is the true and natural Son of God. "
* Proposition 36: "The Savior's resurrection is not properly a fact of historical order , but an act of a purely supernatural, neither proven nor demonstrated, that the Christian conscience gradually derived from other facts . "
* Proposition 37: "Faith in the resurrection of Christ, originally not dealt much about the fact of the resurrection as about the immortal life of Christ in God. "
* Proposition 49: "Having taken the Christian Supper gradually the nature of liturgical action , those who used to chair the dinner rum reaches the priestly character . "
* Proposition 63: "The organic constitution of the Church is not immutable but Christian society is subject to perpetual evolution, like any human society. "
* Proposition 58: "The truth is no more immutable than man himself , as it evolves over to him and for him. "

This may be enough . If we analyze all-in fact, we should mention the 65 propositions , "a holy rage invades us , as it tries to present as new and all that modern, progressive and consistent with the spirit of Vatican II , when in fact no more than a rehash of modernism and dates from 50 years ago, again made with regard to language adorned with fashion.

It is still inconceivable that in our days has abolished the anti-modernist oath , which was established on September 19, 1910 . And all this despite what he says the old Lutheran theologian Dr. Cornelius von Heyl bar :However, there is no doubt that Catholicism is largely protected from the point of view of education, against the fantasies and subjectivity. Some authors today speak of anti-modern figures of Pius IX and St. Pius X as things regrettable ! On the contrary , I take this opportunity to express how satisfied I feel if all non-Catholic churches had also mutatis mutandis , formulas essentially anti-modernist way of protection. Moreover, it may be that I am more Catholic than the contemporary Catholicism , though much I have paid the statements of the Curia against Teilhard de Chardin ... To the extent that the internal strength of the structure is anti-modernist (and remains ) and to the extent that (in the formal aspect ), the notion of obedience is safeguarded in the Church today that Catholicism would be closer to the Lutheran old , old renovated to a part of Anglicanism and the fundamental sects that these churches and communities with main principles of freedom and totalitarian liberalism and individualism unlimited"(77)

The Second Vatican Council

And so we come to Vatican II. We have already seen how the Council wanted a Secret Societies . But in the euphoria of the early days, no attention was paid to it Nor too worried about the judgments on the development of the Council was the enemy. And yet , such things are often seen from outside sharper, and more accurately judged that the same characters. Striking illustration is an issue of the journalOst- Probleme"( The Problems ) , Which reproduces an article published in the Moscow newspaper "Komunist" ) on "Religious revival and the Catholic Church. Now all titles interspersed in this article are worthy of attention, for example . "The current crisis of religion", "Modernism (!) policy in the Church and the Teoiogía", "The social function of the renewal" . The wording of this long article is to show that the transformation of the Church is a "opportunistic tactics of the men of the Church and its intrigues and machinations".

But this is not what interests us properly, but the fact that in the Moreover clearly display crisis reconcile and to be cited almost fully all symptoms. This speaks of "Crisis of religious ideology" the "Modernization of the ecclesiastical position , both in the theological sense, by the proper religious matters , for the current problems of world politics". "On the domestic of the Church, which is properly religious, is currently undergoing modernization of ideological arsenal of worship and organization. Here is in full swing a peculiar process Reformation and seek new opportunities to keep the influence of religion in our time of growing atheism, rationalism and anticlericalism reinforced". "With a heavy heart , theologians are shedding the traditional militant obscurantism and try to illuminate new questions of the relationship between faith and reason , science and religion ..." "The dialectic of the process that unfolds before our eyes of the religious revival , is that this renewal is a sign of the weakness of religion, but also a means of strengthening their influence. Thus , the modernization of the newer methods for defending the reactionary religious theology , require the energetic efforts of all the followers of the materialistic ideology of all defenders of the scientific ideology".

Just this last sentence should read it repeatedly and think : for those with their "aggiornamento"Want to achieve an inner transformation of atheistic ideologies . The action of John XXIII and Vatican Council II , are tried as a means to subvert the values, word it gives us much food for thought (81).

That was in 1964. More clearly manifests the Italian Communist Party in Congress XI . In the introduction to an extraordinary number of "Propaganda" "dedicato to dialogue with Cattolici" clearly speaks of "crisis"Church "The extraordinary openness of the Council which can rightly be compared to the States General in 1789, has shown the world that the old political- religious Bastille has been shaken to its very foundations. Thus was born a new situation , which we must contend with appropriate means. a possibility has emerged , unexpectedly so far, to come closer to our ultimate victory through proper maneuver."

The introduction outlines the various chapters after this "special"And says , for example in the chapter "Documentation"That"here come to light all the possibilities, which gives us the internal development of the Church" . Chapter "Dialogue"Shows that the practice has already surpassed the boldest predictions of the theory and in the meantime we are faced with a phenomenon that goes from day to day doing. The most famous Catholic figures are openly revealing the results to which the Council reached And makes the dialogue in an unexpected form of Humanism modern. Paul VI receives elVaticano Comrade Gromyko and argues with him about the problems of peace . Marxism -Leninism is adapting to the new situation , and according to the consequences , is ductile and flexible or violent ... The chapter "Arguments"Contains numerous indications of the decisions taken by the Council .. "The Council also provides free , thus the best means to get to the Catholic public. And by the end of this introduction reads: "Mai 's situazione cosi ci é favorevole Prostate . Never has the situation been so favorable for us".

Admittedly , these texts speak a clear language . It would be recommending that those who ignore the warnings and exhortations of St. Pius X, think out the words just quoted .

Enlightening and frightening at the same time is the fact comparing the council with the assault of the Bastille in 1789 , or the French Revolution, And since we have previously shown that this is not so far off . In any case, the key ideas of the Revolution , Freedom , Equality , Fraternity , have so deeply permeated the consciousness , no longer can imagine its reduction in an important and justified. It is still premature to make a final decision on the council. But what is unfortunate that such important events play and develop at a different level . Naturally, the texts are Orthodox and partly made very classically , but long will be our mission to fight the Council's words against his prestige and especially against his now famous "spirit. But since the Council aspired first pastoral decisions , thereby giving commit dogmatic statements , not marked off or shading as in previous Assemblies church through clear anathemas against errors and heresies , much of what was discussed there an ambivalence irisante , Which provided , which speaks about the council, some justification.

Also came to the fore , as we have seen, a number of concepts such as collegiality, ecumenism , religious freedom, which undoubtedly can be justified and reasonable fine, but one after another performed in boomerang. Again we must invoke the concept of "crypto -heresy" . " collegiality does not exist in a covert attack cryptogrammic to "Bastille old religious Political Papacy"? it is not demonstrated by the struggle over the "Explanatory Note praevia " that was added to the Constitution on the Church?

Also it gives the enemy his explanation, which is very clear and illustrative. The magazineStimmen der Zeit"( Voices of the time) published an article entitled "Have they changed the Freemasons ?" . The author refers to the journal of European Freemasons , which in its September 1964 issue said the problem of the papacy and said the Council of Constance (1414-1418 ) as follows :The reformers did not got their way , the hierarchical constitution of the Church with the Pope at the head omnipotent , has remained to this day. After this historical presentation reconcile, the author returns to Vatican II: "Breaking the personal primacy of the Pope, would be the case for the Sancta Unio and collegial leadership of the churches. we think we can safely say that 1964 will not rotate the primacy and infallibility of the Pope over the council. In the field of ecclesiastical constitution will preweighing to our time in the Middle Ages , and not for the benefit of the Church nor modern problems to be solved . And while not eliminated from the constitution of the Church the predominance of a single person fail , in our view , all the reforms made in other areas. The legislative power of the Pope and cardinals are appointed by this institutional impediment to any improvement and reform. On the other hand if you eliminate the dominance and infallibility of the Pope, the Church can no longer exert more power over the masses suggestive of the Christian population . Both Church and the Council, are immersed in a dilemma. We do not believe that the Council of Rome end of this year with all these things , even though the symptoms are interpreted generously."


What then , ten years ago , is still configured between questions , has taken a clear outline meantime . The primacy of the Pope suffered major attacks and "Gates of Hell" to lash out at the Rock have advanced so much that they reach the Porta di Bronzo Vatican . Paul VI was right: the devil has entered the Church .

We still have a review of its methods, which , however , be understood easily if we were to abide only to what is said in the New Testament. Let us quote here some passages. The devil knows cover up beautifully asAngel Light" (2 Cor 11, 14) by making use of God's gift of reason : all that is currently done with reforms in the Church, can be justified with reason. The need of time does the rest , and so only was authorized as an exception to the missionary territories under hand becomes a habit for us . "And why not? Fearfully avoided, as a rule, the open struggle against the truths of faith , it acts more elegant no longer speak of them or reduce to medium events , knowing for certain that the half-truths are worse than outright lies .

Finally, make up the news as immediate proximity to "old"Truths , and it takes a strong dose of spiritual gift "spirituum discretio" discernment of spirits (1 Cor. 12, 10) to distinguish what is true from the false , truth from falsehood. If we study these methods, we were convinced that the devil is not so anxious to keep the unknown , continuing his work destructura "criptogante"But you want to manifest openly and publicly. This magazine Parisian Grand Orient de France, "L' Humanisme" ) openly published in 1968 :Among the pillars crumble more easily , we see the authority of the magisterium , the infallibility , which since Vatican I thought so well founded, and now must endure the attacks of the marriage by reason of the appearance of the Encyclical " Humanae vitae , "the real presence of the Eucharist, the Church may have imposed on the masses of the Middle Ages and which will disappear with the progress of intercommunion and concelebrated by Catholic priests and Protestant ministers , the sanctity of the priest, who comes from priesthood and that will be replaced by a temporary choice , the difference between Church teaching and the ( lower) black clergyWhere from now the movement is the base (!) up like any democracy , the gradual disappearance of the ontological and metaphysical nature of the sacraments and immediately the death of the confession, after the sin has become our time in a completely anachronistic transmitted by the rigid medieval philosophy, this legacy of biblical pessimism".

With "laudable"Honestly, is developing the whole strategy here , and we wonder why nothing is done or as little , to secure these pillars to avoid its collapse. Who in the light of these clear statements , he still believes that what is happening in the Church phenomena are only marginal or transitional difficulties that go away by themselves after a while , can not be helped. But the greater is the responsibility of those who run the Church , if not address these issues and believe - see above - that with a patch can fix everything. No, they 're playing all out , it is the Church , it is , writes the magazineL' Humanisme"From May to October 1968 Of "a kind of Copernican Revolution"Which has burst into the church, it is a "gigantic revolution in the Church" (, Which carries with it "the prelude to victory, I Prélude de la Victoire" (86).

We reached our peak and we only wish that the next appointment "L' Humanlsme"Is understood in all its importance : "When traditional structures are crumbling , all the rest follows . The Church has not provided this response , and is not in any way prepared to absorb and assimilate this revolutionary spirit ... Not the scaffold , which hopes the pope, is the development of local churches that are organized democratically , which reject the fences built between clergy and laity , which create their own dogmas and living in total independence from Rome".

Back to top. Athanasius has in his pastoral letters , which then happened in Alexandria :Sacrilegious thefts , arson , blasphemy , rape of virgins, floggings and murders" . This is nothing compared to what is now happening throughout the Church, without an exact account is given . The local churches are emerging and are not or are in full activity, while undergoing Synods ballot democratic majority and thus the arbitrary number , not the only truth ? "Soon the Vatican and will not be possible, "The magazine quoted masonic , "keep under control, a large body movimientode believed homogeneous ... Is not it time to revisit Churches "national ?".

The pope , therefore, not waiting for the gallows. How has humanized our time ! But local churches than the pope, who must reach an agreement with them. Past examples can be identified , they often think of the Gallican church . Here again recourse to history, even though more often mutes Tradition. At the end of evolution, however, the Pope left over, because the local churches "competence live in independence from Rome. Thus, the scaffold is in the form of annihilation.

Let us give thanks for this language as open . Now we know what awaits us . The Luciferian plan presents clear and open before us.


"But you need not fear that his evil, but ... You must get up against the new plots against us. Well , when one member suffers, all suffer from others and in the words of the Apostle, we mourn with the crying . Since the great church suffers , everyone must suffer with it and suffer the punishment . For all is the Savior, they insult , all the laws, they destroy ... For these reasons I ask ... to condemn the wicked , so that the priests here and all the people see your true faith and your rejection and decided to cheer on your enlightened faith in Christ, but both those who have sinned against the Church, are called to go back and - if only possible at great length - reaching change of thought. Greet the community of brothers among you ! All the brothers gathered me also salute you ! May God preserve you without sin and harm, and in faithful thought for us ..."

By Joseph von Görres (Koblenz , 1776, Munich , 1848) German historian and publicist . Defender of Catholicism , was one of the initiators of German nationalist movement . He is the author of Germany and the Revolution (1819 ) and Christian mysticism .)

"The earth trembles under your feet , the tools , with whom was no longer useful , any catastrophe, that was not expected , and occurs throughout the building , time has weakened , collapses. That such a collapse, the Church out safe and sound, can be predicted with certainty , but which may last, no one can know. Thus, all signs admonish , warn , greet , preserve and cry , even animals, costs of which ride the false prophets , lashed out angrily turn and speak human language and their riders , who do not see the sword flaming objects in its path ... Therefore action must be taken while it's still daylight, at night no one can act . Wait, not good either, because all has been deteriorating ever expected the state of affairs , in increasingly larger. You face in an unequal struggle , not be any doubt , if one looks only those who are on their side . It can be argued on theses and theorems on the equal participation of light and air flow with justice. But when all the lies and evil passions gather around the same flag, like vultures on a carcass falling on the road, certainly this is not the labarum under which the fight has to be developed . So bad has the instincts, you do not lose your way. But a power, you see it all directed against the slopes, plenty of reason to be afraid and take with time, after serious considerations, awareness of a potential solution. The Church, for its part, that is pure and clear in the law, can stand idly by and at peace , because " who is like God? " is carved in letters of fire on his shield, and to this legend, all brightness and triviality pale earth and all earthly power fade" . (From the Afterword to the fourth edition of Athanasius ' Easter 1838) (102).

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